Parent Team Meeting Notes

Example of 4 Column Notes

Before the meeting, parents fills out 1st and 2nd columns,
during the meeting, fill out last two columns, based on the Teams' response to the parent requests.  (Print a templateMS Word icon

1.  Social skill group  Yes  Has one, setup that child can join.
2.  1:1 specialized reading program. No  We don't believe in 1:1. only small group.
3.  Foreign language not be part of our child's program.  -- We can't make that decision.
4. Request that a behavior management consultant be brought in (FBA)  --  No response 

7/22/00 R. Crabtree, Andover Special Education PAC presentation.

Darndest things Schools say at Team meetings

The following tools were developed by parent organizations with support from the National Center on Low-Incidence Disabilities (NCLID).

The Pop-Up IEP contains phrases that parents have experienced during their child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), or Team meetings.
Each phrase has several courteous, yet assertive responses parents can make when faced with these challenges.

Additionally, sections of the special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), are included to supplement responses.
Finally resources and information are given where appropriate. All Pop-Up IEPs contain updated IDEA 2004 Regulations.

One of our original webpages, created July 22, 2000, by Melody Orfei
Webpage last modified on May, 16, 2014 - V4, by Melody Orfei